Dear Hot Mess Momma


Dear Hot Mess Momma,

Let me start out by saying, I know you’re always going to be late. You’re going to say you’ll be there on time and you’ll have the best of intentions, but things just won’t work out as you planned. You’ll roll up to the park in your dirt covered mini van that probably needs a wash as much as you do. The coffee you made this morning will still be sitting on the counter because you had to choose between carrying that or your kids who refused to walk to the car (despite your bribes).

Your oldest will be halfway unbuckled and screaming out his window before you park the car. Your youngest will be crying about not being able to eat spoonfuls of sugar for breakfast and something else you won’t understand. Oh, and just when you put your car in park, you’ll remember you forgot to brush your teeth. You’ll fret about this and check your teeth in the mirror just to make sure there’s no broccoli in your teeth from the night before because let’s be honest, you fell asleep while putting the kids to bed. That means, you didn’t brush your teeth the night before either. You’ll grab a protein bar for kids from your glove box and shove it in your mouth while you unbuckle yourself and try to stop the podcast before you miss any more of it.

The mini versions of you will run across the parking lot while you try to grab the items you think they will “need” while at the playground. The back of your van will remain open because you will have too many things in your arms to shut it. That’s right, you brought SO much to the playdate and you’ll be proud. Until you realize you forgot the cooler with all the snacks. Oh and your chair is the backyard, not in the back of your van, so it looks like you’ll be sitting on the grass. You’ll try to pretend everything is good, but we all know inside your anxiety has been kicking since the moment you opened your eyes. You’ll fear judgement from everyone you passed on the way to the park and from us, even though we are your friends!

You’ll apologize a million times as your kids eat our snacks and you sit in an extra chair we brought. You’ll overthink most of the conversation we have and you’ll only get to stay for what seems like a minute before your kid starts throwing a tantrum. Then, back to the car you and your kiddos will go. You will sit in your car and more than likely start crying because you just don’t understand why things have to be this way…why you have to be such a hot mess.

Why does life have to always feel like a constant whirlwind of nonsense? Why can’t you be like the rest of the moms you know….so put together and organized. Why are you always running late, forgetting things, and having meltdowns on the daily?

The truth is Momma, you are doing a great job. You may think you’re a hot mess, but you’ve got it more together than you think. And sure you may take on more than you can handle sometimes, but that doesn’t make you a bad momma or a bad friend. You can do this. Yes, there will be rough days and some days you may forget 99% of the things you thought you needed to remember, but on those days your tribe will be there;

to encourage you

feed your kids snacks

laugh with you, not at you

give you a chair to place your bum in (even if it’s just for a moment)

and to remind you

that you are not alone in this hot mess life.


ME….a Hot Mess Momma

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Brittany Patterson
I am first and foremost a woman who is passionate about loving on people where they are. I am also a mother of 2 toddlers who also tries to teach her kiddos about love for others! I currently stay at home but enjoy volunteering as much as possible. I am kept busy every day with all of our pets and my littles running around nonstop. When I have “down time”, you can find me biking, hiking, or snuggling and watching a good TV show (probably enjoying some chocolate). I love being able to raise my babies at home, but I will also be the first to say that this job isn’t easy!


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