Thanks, But No Thanks


Ever have a day when you have to say, “Thanks, but no thanks?” The other day I took my youngest son to Costco. We had run a few errands already that morning because it was his brother’s last day at school. When he asked to play on my phone, I didn’t bat an eye because he had been so good. He opened the PBS Game app – since I only have three kids apps on my phone – and selected to watch an alphabet game. We still exercise come caution and we both had masks on, even though I’ve been vaccinated. I was caught off guard when an older gentleman approached us, without a mask. He immediately made a statement, “Isn’t that cute?”

I thought he was saying my son was cute, but he immediately turned it to a back-handed comment about how he played outside every day as a kid. I’m a very patient and polite person, so I just said “Yes sir, he plays outside almost every day.”

Now, why does a grown man feel the need to approach a mom and four year old to “assume” anything about my parenting skills?

I’m afraid we have become a society of “assumers”. My four year old will run two miles a day if me or my husband are up to accompanying him. He plays outside often, even by himself. Yes, he has a tablet of his own. Yes, he plays video games. Yes, he watches TV and movies. I guarantee that man watches TV every day.

All things are okay in moderation, but why should I have to explain myself to a stranger? And why does he think it’s okay to approach me? I’m all for playing outside, but look how you turned out…

I strive to raise little gentlemen in this ever changing world we live in. Please do not assume you know anyone or what they are going through just by your ten second observation. We are all allowed to have opinions, but they do not need to be broadcasted. You have an inner voice for a reason. Be kind.


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