Tag: anxiety

8 Ways to Bolster Family and Community Engagement

One of the causes lurking behind Kentucky’s mental health crisis is a lack of a sense of belonging with others. Loneliness can be debilitating....

Bud, Blossom, & Bloom

Things are starting to bud and blossom and bloom. I love Spring and have always thought of myself as a Spring baby. However, after...


I’ve always had really awful periods my whole life. Starting right after I turned 14, I spent high school and college suffering a great...

Battle of the Acronyms

I am slightly OCD and ADD and am prone to depression with naturally high levels of anxiety. My daughter is slightly ADD and has...

Friend Breakups after Babies

When I was just a few months postpartum, I went through the hardest breakup of my life. It wasn't my first friend breakup, but...

Activities to Relieve Stress While Connecting With Your Child

Stress is inevitable in life, and it’s vital to learn how to cope and deal with obstacles thrown your way. There’s power in connection...

Kids Need Self Care, Too

Over the past couple years, my boys have developed anxiety due to recent events. My oldest found some anxiety came with virtual learning. He...

Dear Tweens :: Don’t Bring Out the Gangsta Mom

My friend, Brittany, and I had coffee the other morning and got talking about this Reel I had shared on my personal Instagram the day...

8 Ways to Lessen Anxiety

I believe all of us have developed some type of anxiety during this pandemic, whether preexisting or new. Here are 8 ways that I...

Sometimes It’s OK to Ask for Help

Student. Runner. Employee. Wife. Household manager. Mother. Friend. I hold so many titles and wear many hats. Balancing time for each of these and prioritizing things is not always easy and...