Tag: parenting

Raising a Tween {She Loves Me; She Loves Me Not}

She loves me... she loves me not.... Oh, the craziness of raising a tween (who soon becomes a full-fledged teenager!) It'll be okay, mama....

Bedtime Routine for Kids {8 Steps}

You can’t always count on a trip to the Down Under Adventure Zoo to get your little one tuckered out for the night. Typical...

How to Handle Soaring Child Care Costs in 2023

Continuing shortages and post-pandemic inflation present financial challenges nationwide. The situation is even more difficult for families with kids, with one Louisville mom reporting...

5 Things I Didn’t Know I Needed {Grandma Edition}

I'm new to this Grandma gig. My husband and I welcomed 3 grandsons into our family in 2023. We were so excited and could...

Daddy-Daughter Dance Ideas to Make the Day Extra Special

Father-daughter dances are excellent for making little girls feel like the princesses they are to their dads. There’s something so special about being a...

Volunteer Parent {A Must-Read}

Sometimes we come across a parenting book that must be shared with the Mom Collective community. Erin Daniel's Volunteer Parent is one of these...

Her “Real” Dad

When my daughter hit elementary school, there became so much talk of her "real" dad all of a sudden. Everyone wants everything to fit...

Weekends Parents are More Fun

We are not the weekend parents and hence, much less fun. But, we’re okay with that. We know that the actual weekends parents are...

Motherhood Decoded {A Podcast}

Motherhood Decoded A podcast by moms for moms. Presented by the Louisville Mom Collective! Listen to audio versions of our blog posts, and tune in...

Single Parent Shame

Hi, I'm Courtney, and I was a single parent. A decade ago, I felt so much shame about being a single parent and felt...