A Letter to My Fellow Stroller Running Mom


two women running with strollers

A letter to my fellow stroller mom, 

I see you opening your pantry, trying to decide on snacks to bribe your little one.
I hear you talking loudly with your friend, to hear her over your toddler’s singing. 
I understand your need for some adult conversation. 

I see you stopping to pick up yet another toy, launched from the stroller.
I hear you singing the ABCs with your son who’s gleaming with pride at his momma.
I understand your desire for some fresh air.

I see you checking your watch to see if you’ve managed to PR that mile. 
I hear you pleading with your daughter to let you run just one more mile. 
I understand your urgency to be back in shape.

I share that immense joy you have when you hit stop on your Garmin, and say “I did it. We did it, buddy!”
I share that feeling of relief when you cross that finish line, people cheering you on, “Go, Momma, go!”
I share that pang of sadness when you fold up the jogging stroller for the last time because your little running buddy is just too big to be pushed in the stroller. 

I see your joy. I hear your concerns. I understand your desires.

Just keep running. You are not alone. You can do this.


A fellow stroller running mom



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