13 Tips for Building a Baby Registry


As a first time mom, I can attest that building a baby registry is completely overwhelming. You are bombarded by ads and lists from websites of things that all babies need. Truth is, there isn’t a lot that you NEED for a baby. Babies were brought up for centuries without gadgets.

Let me give you a few pearls of wisdom I picked up along the way because of mistakes I made on my own registry. Here are 13 tips for building a baby registry.

  • Top fill humidifier. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to take the tank off, turn it upside down and fill it every night. But after you’ve balanced that wobbly tank in one hand with a baby in the other arm, all while trying to get the water faucet on and off, you’ll see how much easier it would be to just pour some water in the top of a vessel.
  • Baby carrier. Since COVID times hit, I have never felt more strongly about wearing a baby. Old people always want to come up and touch your baby in public, just like people want to touch pregnant bellies. I read somewhere that the closer to your boobs your baby is, the more awkward people will feel about touching them. I don’t recommend a specific brand of carrier. Do what works for you.
  • Gift cards for diapers instead of actual diapers. We were gifted specific brands we did not love, but used them because they were free. Similarly, we bought brands we were not gifted and keep going back to those. If you have a membership, I highly recommend asking for Costco gift cards for diapers. The Kirkland brand diapers are the bomb, but they also carry a few other brands.
  • Extra crib sheets. Yes, it’s stupid how much a tiny sheet for a crib costs. But babies spit up or have a blowout in bed enough that having just one will soon enough put you in a bind. There is just no way to get that sheet washed, dried, and back on the bed between when baby gets up and the first nap.
  • Monitor that feeds to your phone. Trust me, you don’t want to carry around or keep up with another device to watch your baby sleep. We have loved our Lollipop.
  • All things controlled by an app. When you’ve already sat down to feed the baby or rock them to sleep for a nap and realize you didn’t turn on the sound machine…you can pull up the app and turn it on from the chair. I love my Hatch noise machine.
  • Car seats for older stages. Don’t just get the infant seat. That convertible carseat for the next step up is PRICEY. If Aunt Betty and Auntie Jane want to go in together to gift you something nice, make sure you have those other seats as an option!
  • Deep freezer. If you are planning to breastfeed, this will be great to start a freezer stash. Breastmilk lasts longer in a deep freezer than a refrigerator freezer, since it isn’t getting opened daily. It is also super handy to make several freezer meals before baby comes. Your sleep-deprived future self will be grateful for the easy meals that you can toss in the crockpot.
  • A diaper pail without specialized bags. The Diaper Genie might be the best thing since sliced bread, but having to remember to buy special bags for one more thing in your house will not be ideal. We went with Ubbi for that reason.
  • Blackout curtains/blinds. Sleeping babies are sensitive to light. Naptime will be much more peaceful if you can make the room dark.
  • Activities for first six months. I made the mistake of only asking for teethers and books. Register for bouncers, activity seats ,and play mats. It’s hard to fathom your tiny newborn needing those things anytime soon, but it happens more quickly than you think. It’s March and my six month old is already tired of the play gym he got for Christmas!
  • A variety of bottles. Don’t commit to one brand or one style. You might think they are the cutest colors and they match your kitchen, but baby decides she hates them. Then, you’re stuck with 20 of the same bottle that aren’t getting used AND you have to buy new ones.
  • Postpartum items. Nursing bras and tanks, a robe, nipple cream. Don’t let friends and family forget you are growing that baby!

You do NOT need to register for clothes or blankets. Everyone wants to buy tiny clothes and sweet things to wrap them in, so you will get plenty of those things regardless of whether you ask. It can get overwhelming to figure out what you need and don’t need. Just know that your baby will be loved regardless and that’s the most important thing. These 13 tips for building a baby registry is just a few that I learned along the way. What tips do you have for other moms who are struggling to create a baby registry?


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